Automated search and outreach via email
Discover the power of automation and streamline the time-consuming tasks of search and outreach. Elevate your productivity by handling multiple processes simultaneously with ease.
You're in good company
Find candidates
Millions of passive candidates across the globe
10+ sources lets you discover hidden candidates
Always fresh data, straight from the source
Get in touch through email
You control who's contacted
We're invisible; emails are sent directly from you
Significantly higher response rate
A/B testing and automated follow-ups
Connect and fill your pipeline
Connect with senior talents
Adjust the tempo to get the meetings you want
See it to believe it
Try a search and find out how many candidates we find for your position.
Build relationships over time
Nurture campaigns keep you top-of-mind
Forget outrageous costs. With Intro, you'll get a long-term partner to help you grow both your revenue and your profits.
Spend less and get more
Always guaranteed results – read more and get a proposal
Get started
We'd love to get to know you and tell you how we can help you reach your targets.